Group Alignment Sessions

Alignment Sessions are my intuitive offering designed to support your mental, physical, spiritual, and energetic wellness journey. Group sessions are offered in a virtual community setting of no more than six people, where each person gets time to ask one to two questions that I can intuitively channel guidance for.

Group sessions are held virtually and booked on a first-come basis. As soon as a group session has six people scheduled, the session is at capacity. (You are not compiling a group yourself. You would be gathering with a group of unknown people.)

Group sessions are powerful ways to tune in. Not only does each attendee get to leave with clarity on the question(s) they asked, but the group receives clarity from each other. When I hold group space, it always proves to be an aligned moment for all in attendance.

If you’re interested in a private Alignment Session instead, click here.

The Process

Group Sessions begin with guided energetic cleansing and protection, and private intention setting. Then I will spend a few minutes with each person and their question(s) as I channel guidance from their spirit team and Higher Self.

Sessions are held via Zoom where every attendee can share their screen. I don’t begin sessions until everyone’s cameras are on. Sessions are not recorded, however, you’re welcome to audio record your portion of the session on your own using your mobile phone.

Before you book…

Although you may have questions about the outside factors that you feel are affecting the outcomes of your life, the focus of this session is how you affect the outcomes of your life. There are many gifted psychics and spiritual guides in the world, but my particular gift is the ability to hone in on deep energetic opportunities for growth, growth that spans generations, time, and space.

I take deep pride in this work and am elated to work with the person ready to acknowledge their role in changing their human experience.

You won't always hear what you want to hear. Rather, you'll hear what you need to hear in order to tune into better supporting your overall wellness. The goal of each session is that you get closer to remembering who you are and how you are here to serve your purpose. If you’re here, you’re already on your way.


Group Alignment Session

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