Private Alignment Sessions

Alignment Sessions are my one-on-one offering, designed to support your mental, physical, spiritual, and energetic wellness journey. If you’re interested in Alignment Group Readings, click here.

The majority of the session is an energy reading where I call upon your highest self and spirit guide(s) to get a clear view of where you are energetically and the mindsets, beliefs, and actions that are holding you out of alignment with your best life. I combine my clair senses and healing abilities to both receive guidance for what you need to focus on and help energetically prepare you for the season ahead.

At the end of our session, you'll have an understanding of where you are on your journey, the behaviors and mindsets that keep you from living in alignment and those that help you thrive, and exactly what you’re spiritually guided to do to revolutionize your life.

The Process

In preparation for your session, I work through your aura, energy bodies, and chakra system, deeply examining and identifying any energy holes, past-life and karmic ties, patterns and beliefs connected to misalignment, and opportunities for healing and growth. This time also allows me to communicate with your spirit team to receive the messages that are meant to guide you in this season of your life.

While I spend about 15 minutes working with your energy prior to our meeting, and I will also work with your energy live on our call. If I feel called to, I will incorporate different healing practices like reiki and past life regression if I feel they are necessary for achieving clarity.

Every Alignment session is unique and caters to the specific needs of the client and the season of healing and expansion they’re navigating.

Sessions are held via Zoom, which allows us to share our screens and provide you with an audio recording of the session.

These sessions are anything but one-sided – you are encouraged to ask questions, provide context, express doubts, etc. I pride myself on creating a comfortable container for deep examination, vulnerable conversation, and honest emotion.

Before you book…

Although you may have questions about the outside factors that you feel are affecting the outcomes of your life, the focus of this session is how you affect the outcomes of your life. There are many gifted psychics and spiritual guides in the world, but my particular gift is the ability to hone in on deep energetic opportunities for growth, growth that spans generations, time, and space.

I take deep pride in this work and am elated to work with the person ready to acknowledge their role in changing their human experience.

You won't always hear what you want to hear. Rather, you'll hear what you need to hear in order to tune into better supporting your overall wellness. The goal of each session is that you get closer to remembering who you are and how you are here to serve your purpose. If you’re here, you’re already on your way.


60-75 Minute Session

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