Moving Meditation: Become Calm, Earth to Self

Anxiety can be debilitating. If you ever feel like anxiety is robbing you of your peace, your ability to think straight, or stay grounded, I have a moving meditation that will help you center yourself in calmness.

Sat Nam, love. I am Melanie Santos, wholistic educator, creator, and Kundalini Yoga teacher, and I’m going to teach you a Kundalini Yoga meditation that you can do anytime or as a 40-day sadhana to recalibrate your nervous system and come back into equilibrium with your mind, body, and spirit.

Besides being a teacher, why should you believe me? Because I knew debilitating anxiety and depression for most of my life and kriyas, pranayam breathwork, and meditations like these have helped me restore my nervous system and my mental health.

The name of this moving meditation or kriya is called Become Calm, Earth to Self.

After sitting in easy pose like I am and tuning in with the Adi Mantra and Mangala Charn chants…

  • Extend your pointer fingers or Jupiter fingers on both of your hands. Lock the other fingers with your thumbs. All of our fingers have a corresponding planet, our pointer being connected to Jupiter, the planet of expansion.

  • You’ll want to time your movements to a song that chants “Sat Nam Wahe Guru,” meaning “truth is my identity,” and it being an exclamation of the joy of existence, and gratitude for divinity. If you don’t have a song accessible to you, mentally chant Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru.

  • On “Sat,” point your fingers to the floor on either side of you.
    On “Nam,” point your fingers together in front of your chin.
    On “Sat,” point your fingers to the floor on either side of you.
    On “Nam,” point your fingers together in front of your chin.
    On “Wahe,” point your fingers to the floor on either side of you.
    On “Guru,” point your fingers together in front of your chin.
    On “Wahe,” point your fingers to the floor on either side of you.
    On “Guru,” point your fingers together in front of your chin.

  • Repeat this for at least 3 minutes

  • After your meditation is done, inhale deeply, and exhale deeply

  • Close your practice as you would any Kundalini Yoga meditation, by chanting a long SAT and a short NAM 1 to 3 times

If you’re using this meditation as a 40-day sadhana, you can choose to do this for 3, 7, or 11 minutes for 40 days to get the maximum effect of this meditation. Just remember to honor this as a spiritual practice daily, starting over if you miss a day.

If you’re an advanced yogi, you might choose to do this as a 120-day sadhana. Listen to the needs of your mind, body, and spirit and answer their call.

So how does this meditation actually work?

In Kundalini Yoga we respect the body as an energetic home for our soul. We honor its 72,000 nadis or energy currents that carry prana or life force energy through the entire body. When the mind and body are low on prana or life force energy it’s malnourished and/or overwhelmed in some way. It might be lacking nourishment of the mind, body, and/or spirit and might be overwhelmed with energies in the aura or electromagnetic sphere.

A meditation like this will move the body, creating angles and triangles and connecting powerful energetic points to release energy and cultivate and distribute prana through the brain and body.

This meditation in particular is working with a straight spine, aligning all the chakras or energy centers in the body, and giving the kundalini energy at the base of our spine a straight highway to rise up through.

It’s smoothly working with the pointer fingers or Jupiter fingers, cultivating an expansion of peace throughout our systems.

If you’d like to attend Kundalini classes, courses, and sadhanas with me, make sure you’re subscribed to my mailing list, and stay tuned with all upcoming classes and events here.


Pranayam Breathwork: Breath of Fire + Ego Eradicator